Oh, the places they’ll go!
Watch this video to see four Chesterfield County teachers find out they are 2023 winners of R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence. Each will receive $15,000 for unique professional development experiences.
Upcoming holidays
Chesterfield County Public Schools will be closed Nov. 22-24 for Thanksgiving. This includes schools and school offices.
Winter break for students and teachers will begin Dec. 22 and continue through Jan. 5. School offices and school system buildings will remain open to the public Dec. 22, Dec. 27-29 and Jan. 2-5.
Dates set for 2024 graduations
Keep your eyes on the prize, class of 2024! Here is your graduation schedule:
May 20: Matoaca High at 9 a.m. at Virginia State University and Thomas Dale High at 3 p.m. at Virginia Commonwealth University
May 21 at Virginia Commonwealth University: Cosby High at 9:30 a.m. and Manchester High at 2 p.m.
May 22 at Virginia Commonwealth University: James River High at 9:30 a.m. and Midlothian High at 2 p.m.
May 23 at Virginia Commonwealth University: Clover Hill High at 9:30 a.m. and Monacan High at 2 p.m.
May 24 at Virginia Commonwealth University: Meadowbrook High at 9:30 a.m. and Bird High at 2 p.m.
May 28 at Career and Technical Center @ Hull: Carver College and Career Academy at 3 p.m.
Graduating seniors will receive tickets to share with family and friends. The ceremonies are not open to the public but will be livestreamed.
Thomas Dale High is presenting “The Addams Family”
Tickets are on sale for “The Addams Family” at Thomas Dale High, home of the school system’s Specialty Center for the Arts. Performances are scheduled at 7 p.m. Nov. 16-18 and at 2 p.m. Nov. 18-19. Click here for tickets, which cost $8 for students and $10 for adults.
Mission Tomorrow
Each year, eighth graders from Chesterfield County Public Schools and other central Virginia districts experience Mission Tomorrow, an interactive career exploration event. Hands-on activities introduce students to a wide array of career options and work-based learning opportunities.
Close connections
There were smiles and high-fives all around when Salem Church Middle hosted Salem Church Elementary's book character parade. Click here for a closer look at how the schools showed up for each other.
Making schools safe, healthy and ready to learn
The Virginia Association of School Nurses recently recognized Chesterfield County Public Schools for keeping students safe, healthy and ready to learn in two ways:
Hosting the association’s 2022 and 2023 conferences, providing a space for education, networking and collaboration among Virginia’s school nurses
Staffing every Chesterfield County school with a registered school nurse
Angela Moore, nurse specialist in the CCPS Special Education Department and president of the Virginia Association of School Nurses, presented the award to School Board Vice Chair Kathryn Haines and Heather Snyder, coordinator of the CCPS Office of Student Health Services.
Serving Line of the Month
Congratulations to Bellwood Elementary for being the first winner of a new award: Serving Line of the Month. Food and Nutrition Services will bestow a golden tray on one outstanding school cafeteria each month. Supervisor Shane Logan (on left) announced the award to Bellwood Elementary cafeteria manager Linda Lassen (holding the tray) and her team.
Virginia Down Syndrome Association plans virtual speaker series
“Dismantling Ableism: Empowering Individuals With Down Syndrome to Thrive” is the focus of a four-night virtual speaker series organized by the Virginia Down Syndrome Association for Feb. 20, Feb. 22, Feb. 27 and Feb. 29. Early-bird registration covers all dates and costs $30; email sklauer@virginiadsa.org for scholarship information. Details about the speaker series are available online.
Virginia Board of Education plans stakeholder listening sessions on accountability
A series of eight stakeholder listening sessions on accountability, one in each school board region across the state, will be held over the next several weeks to help inform the Virginia Board of Education, legislators and the general public about Virginia’s new approach for amending school accountability measures.
The meeting for Region 1 (which includes Chesterfield County Public Schools) is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 11 from 6:30-8 p.m. at CTC @ Hull (13900 Hull Street).
To provide feedback on a new accountability model for Virginia, click here to register by Monday, Nov. 20.
Calling all CCPS student artists!
You’re invited to use your creativity to brighten a new headquarters being built for Chesterfield County Public Schools. Construction is underway on the office building (located on Midlothian Turnpike and named Springline at District 60) that is expected to open in 2025.
It’s important that the headquarters show that students are at the center of Chesterfield County Public Schools, and incorporating art by our creative and talented student artists will make that clear.
All students in Chesterfield County Public Schools (from prekindergarten through 12th grade) are encouraged to create an original work of visual art in a medium of their choice that expresses the contest theme of “Better Together.” Designs will be judged on the creative use and communication of the theme. Only two-dimensional works, please. Entries are due by 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2024.
One overall winner from each level (elementary, middle and high) will be chosen and announced in February. Each winning entry, along with many of the works submitted for this contest, will be used as inspiration and reproduced within the overall interior design of the school system’s new headquarters.
There are two ways to submit artwork:
Option 1: Use this online form to submit a photo of the artwork.
Option 2: Submit the original artwork and this permission form to your school’s main office.
Support available for parents and families
Online parenting program focuses on tweens and teens: Active Parenting of Teens and Tweens is an online program offering parents the confidence to meet the challenges and savor the joys of their children’s teen years. There are five weekly sessions 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays from Jan. 23 to Feb. 20; $50 covers all five sessions. Get more information and register on this website. Questions? Email the Prevention Services Office of Chesterfield County’s Mental Health Support Services or call 804-768-7800.
Parent and family consultations available free: Parents and caregivers are invited to consult with experienced professionals to talk through topics such as parenting stress, effective discipline, tantrums, helping around the house, healthy relationships, bedtime, preventing risky behaviors and more. Meetings can be in person, by phone or virtually with consultants in the Prevention Services Office of Chesterfield County’s Mental Health Support Services. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, email the Prevention Services Office or call 804-768-72120.
Health insurance marketplace is open
Through Jan. 15, Virginians have the opportunity to enroll in an open marketplace health-care plan or make changes to their current plan. Details are available on this website.
Fraud Awareness Week is Nov. 12-18
Organizations worldwide lose an estimated 5% of their annual revenues to fraud, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. In honor of Fraud Awareness Week, which takes place Nov. 12-18, Chesterfield County is bringing awareness to its fraud, waste and abuse hotline (804-318-8000) and is encouraging county residents and employees to report wrongdoing involving fraud, waste and abuse of Chesterfield government and school assets or resources. Examples of violations include but are not limited to:
Falsification of records
Serious abuse or excessive use of time
Theft of funds
Tips are consistently the most common way to detect fraud. The Chesterfield County fraud, waste and abuse hotline (804-318-8000) can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers can remain anonymous as caller ID and call-back features have been disabled to maintain confidentiality. Visit the reporting fraud, waste and abuse website for more information.
Nov. 18: Career and Technical Center open houses
Both campuses of the Chesterfield Career and Technical Center invite families to Nov. 18 open houses to learn about the 30+ programs available to high school students. November is College and Career Readiness Month, so it’s a great time to see how career and technical education can help students jump-start their careers. Families can learn more at the school website and by dropping in during the open houses:
Career and Technical Center@Courthouse will have an open house 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 18.
Career and Technical Center@Hull will have an open house noon-2 p.m. Nov. 18.
Accessible community event set for Nov. 19
The Virginia Friendship Circle is organizing its third annual Walk N Roll and Friendship Fair 1-3 p.m. Nov. 19 at Fountain Lake in Byrd Park. Everyone is invited to walk, run or roll along the 1-mile course, then enjoy inflatables, face painting and more. Register here for the free event. This flyer provides all the details.