Gifted Education
Gifted learners demonstrate the potential for advanced thinking and reasoning, creativity and high achievement when compared to others who are the same age with similar experiences and comparable home environments and cultures. Programs and services must be designed to meet their unique cognitive strengths and socio-emotional needs. Each school within Chesterfield County Public Schools has a gifted education facilitator who addresses gifted education concerns.
Each school board must review and approve a comprehensive plan for the education of the gifted. That plan must provide specific explanations of how the school division implements Virginia’s regulations governing educational services for gifted students. Read the Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted.
Referring a Student
The online gifted services referral and review form must be submitted to begin the gifted evaluation process. Verbal or email communications do not serve as a substitute for this form. Here’s who can refer a student:
Parent, legal guardian or community member
Teacher or other professional staff member
The student or a peer
Evaluation for gifted services occurs during specific times to ensure students are tested at the most appropriate time for their grade level and to allow results to be considered in Center-Based Gifted Academy decisions. A student may be evaluated once per school year.
This year’s referral deadlines are Oct. 25, 2024 for students currently in grades 2-12, and Feb. 28, 2025 for students in grades K-1 who are enrolled in Chesterfield County Public Schools.
Referrals are processed after the referral period ends. Once this occurs, parents/guardians receive:
Notification from the school that their child has been referred for evaluation for gifted education services
Information about gifted education services and the assessment process
Contact information for staff members who can answer questions
An opportunity to opt their student out of evaluation process
Instructions for completing the online home perception inventory
New residents moving Into Chesterfield
When enrolling children in Chesterfield County Public Schools, parents/guardians need to notify the school if the student was identified for gifted services in the previous school system so the appropriate records may be obtained. The following documentation must be obtained from the child's previous school:
Letter or school document stating eligibility for gifted services
School document providing information on the type of program placement
Scores from aptitude, achievement or creativity assessments given in a school setting
After Chesterfield County Public Schools confirms gifted identification and placement from the previous school system, the student will be provisionally placed in services most comparable to those received in the student’s last school. The child will then be evaluated using Chesterfield County Public Schools criteria before the end of the school year when possible. A previous identification in another school system does not guarantee eligibility for CCPS gifted services.
Students who don’t attend CCPS
A fall assessment opportunity is available for students in grades 2-12 who are Chesterfield County residents but who are not enrolled in Chesterfield County Public Schools. They may be referred by submitting the online gifted services referral and review form before the fall deadline.
The referral will be processed by staff at the school in the student’s attendance zone. Any required testing will occur at this location based on the testing schedule established by that school. The parent/guardian is responsible for transporting their student to testing sessions. Other required components of the identification protocol such as grades, work samples and teacher perception inventories will be requested from the student’s current, non-CCPS school. These components must be provided to determine eligibility for services.
Programs & Services
Chesterfield County Public Schools provides services in English, math, social studies and science for identified gifted students in grades K-12.
Gifted elementary and middle school students are cluster-grouped as possible with other identified gifted learners. Teachers consider readiness, achievement and interests to modify curriculum and instruction while striving to provide appropriate challenges. This may include curriculum enrichment and extension, differentiated assignments, increased rigor and advanced pacing. Identified gifted students in grades 3-8 may also qualify to participate in a Center Based Gifted Academy. Learn more about the two types of gifted services here.
Center Based Gifted Academy teachers use advanced content, pacing and instructional strategies that provide additional depth, complexity, rigor and challenge for gifted learners. Core content area classes are composed entirely of students eligible for Center Based Gifted services. Eligible students are assigned to an academy based on their home address. Learn more about the CBG Academy sites that serve our elementary and middle schools here.
The high school honors program in English, mathematics, science and history/social sciences provides rigorous curriculum experiences for gifted students in grades 9-12. Additional offerings include advanced placement courses and dual enrollment opportunities. Additionally, Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School, CodeRVA and specialty centers within Chesterfield County Public Schools provide comprehensive services for students with high ability and interest in specific areas.
Governor’s School FAQS
Students who reside in Chesterfield County may apply to two regional governor’s schools. Beginning in mid-October each year, eligible eighth graders may apply through the CCPS application portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applicants should review the information provided on this page before applying. This information is specifically for applicants from Chesterfield County and may differ slightly from information provided on governor’s school websites.