Services & Support
Career and Transition Services facilitate students’ transition to post-secondary options through resources and supports to youth, parents, and school personnel. A Transition Coordinator is assigned to each high school.
The mission of Career and Transition Services is to provide innovative, high quality transition support services to students with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on developing the student’s self-determination and self-advocacy skills necessary for achieving post secondary outcomes i.e., post secondary education, employment and independent living.
Transition Services are a coordinated set of activities for youth with disabilities that promotes movement from school to post-school activities including postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation. Transition services are based on individual needs of the student taking into account the student’s preferences and interests and includes instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment, and other post-school living objectives.
Students with an IEP, beginning at age 14 (or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team) will begin the process of determining post-secondary outcomes and the transition supports and services that will assist in reaching their goals.
Identifying transition services begins with a conversation between the student, the student’s parents, and school personnel about the student’s career goals and interests. A vocational evaluation may assist in identifying the student’s interests, preferences and goals. Needed services and supports are then determined to meet those career goals: internships, job placement assistance, and agency linkages.
The goal of education is to prepare all students to pursue their post-secondary goals in the areas of employment, education and independent living. The journey starts when the student enters school and continues throughout their lives. The Transition Journey is depicted in a pyramid that begins with the IEP. Click on the different sections of the pyramid to learn about the specifics of the supports in place for students with disabilities.