Prepare to take the Virginia Board for Cosmetology Licensing Exam


This two-year program is designed to prepare students for the Virginia Board for Cosmetology Licensing Examination. Students learn to shampoo, style, set, permanent wave, chemically relax and color/treat hair. In addition, students learn to consult, advise, and create personalized service, such as manicures, facials, and makeup for clients. During the second year, students demonstrate learned skills by operating a school-sponsored beauty salon.

*To be eligible to take the Virginia Board of Cosmetology Licensing Examination, students must pass both years of Cosmetology, have all competencies completed, and receive 840 hours of instruction. The board requires students to provide two forms of government-issued identification.

This program is offered as Honors credit with the expectation that students complete four projects throughout the year that extend beyond the standard curriculum. These projects are built into the program and are a great opportunity for students to expand their knowledge of the topics covered in class.

Courthouse Campus

Two Year Program

Occupation Opportunities

  • Cosmetologist

  • Barber

Certification Opportunities

  • Virginia Board of Cosmetology Licensing

Credits for this Program: 

Year 1 

  • Cosmetology I (3 Credits)

Year 2 

  • Cosmetology II (3 Credits)

Preferred Aptitudes

  • Artistic ability

  • Excellent attendance

  • Good interpersonal skills and positive attitude

  • Physical endurance to stand for long periods