Earth and Environment Club

Name of Club/Activity

Earth and Environment Club


The Earth and Environment Club focuses on positive interactions with all things relating to the Earth and enjoying the outdoors and appreciating the environment.


Each year we get involved in related events as the students decide what to focus on. Earth Day, Arbor Day, and National Lands Day are some we have done. We also look to be part of local events such as our homecoming carnival. We help organize school plantings and beautification as well as be the liaison for county and state opportunities. We will go on picnics and hikes throughout the years as well.

Time Commitment

Students decide how much time they have to give. Some decide to be class officers and some participate just on activities.

How to Sign Up

Students can attend any of our biweekly meetings that are announced a week before or they can link to our CANVAS page for announcements. That can be found on the web at Alternatively, they can sign up at and use the following join code: PJEBMP


Scot Burns